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D A N C E  S T U D I O

Class Location:

262 East Ave A

Jerome, ID 83338

(208) 934-6768

TNT WS 2021 (1).png

Ages 10+

Take this technique class to enhance your dance education and skill level!



Dancers will focus on increasing flexibility and practice center and across the floor movements and combinations to include review of chaine turns and single pirouette turns, advancing to multiple pirouette turns, a la seconde turns, pique turns, and lame ducks. Dancers should wear form-fitting clothing - NOTHING BAGGY - and proper footwear. NO SOCKS! NO MIDRIFF TOPS! Hair should be neatly pulled back.


Dancers will focus on increasing flexibility and practice center and across the floor movements and combinations to include review of kicks and jetes, developpe leaps, calypso, firebird, and some floor tricks, including shoulder roll variations. Dancers should wear form-fitting clothing - NOTHING BAGGY - and proper footwear. NO SOCKS! NO MIDRIFF TOPS! Hair should be neatly pulled back.

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