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Thursday 5:30-6:10 pm

(AGES 3 THROUGH KINDERGARTEN) **MUST BE POTTY TRAINED** Ballet/Jazz Combo Class: Mini Moverz will learn fun exercises to stretch and focus on the absolute basic fundamentals of dance - sense of movement, motor coordination, spatial awareness, rhythm and musicality, and the art of waiting your turn. Class includes a fun round of freestyle using props! Dancers will learn 1 ballet routine and 1 jazz routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase. This class is 40 minutes. Promotion from this class to Dance Dynamix is largely based on readiness rather than age - memorization skills, motor skills, and behavior. MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE.

Monday 5:30-6:25 p.m.

(GRADES 1-3) Ballet/Jazz Combo Class: Ballet is our foundation of dance! Proper technique helps prevent injury and strengthens ability in every other form of dance. The ballet portion of class will focus will on ballet technique, leaps, turns, center work, and across the floor combinations using proper ballet terminology, flexibility, and conditioning. Dance Dynamix challenges dancers to memorize all their recital choreography. Dancers will learn 1 ballet routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase.

The jazz portions focuses on basic techniques of jazz dance style while cultivating stage presence and creativity. Dancers will learn an original jazz routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase. This class is 55 minutes, 35 minutes ballet and 20 minutes jazz. MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE.

Promotion from this class to Dance Dynamix II is largely based on readiness rather than age - memorization skills, proper execution of dance skills, and behavioral maturity.

Monday 6:30-7:25 p.m.

(GRADES 4-6) Ballet/Jazz Combo Class: The ballet portion of this class will build on the foundation of Dance Dynamix I, adding barre work and more advanced leaps, turns, and combinations while continuing to use proper ballet terminology, flexibility, and conditioning. Again, dancers at this level rely less on improvisation and are expected to memorize all their recital choreography. Dancers will learn 1 ballet routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase.

The jazz portion builds on the principles mastered in Dance Dynamix I, placing emphasis on attention to detail in choreography and synchronization. Dancers will learn an original jazz routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase. This class is 55 minutes long, 35 minutes ballet and 20 minutes jazz. MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE.

Promotion from this class to Dance Dynamix III is largely based on readiness rather than age - memorization skills, proper execution of dance skills, and behavioral maturity.

Monday 8:00-9:15 p.m.

(GRADES 7+) Ballet/Jazz Combo Class: The ballet portion of this class will build on the foundation of Dance Dynamix II, adding more challenging barre and center work and more advanced leaps, turns, and combinations while continuing to use proper ballet terminology, flexibility, and conditioning. Again, dancers at this level rely less on improvisation and are expected to memorize all their recital choreography. Dancers will learn 1 ballet routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase.

The jazz portion builds on the principles mastered in Dance Dynamix II, placing emphasis on attention to detail in choreography and synchronization. Dancers will learn an original jazz routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase. This class is 75 minutes long, 45 minutes ballet and 30 minutes jazz. MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE.

Wednesday 7-7:40 pm

Street Style: (GRADES 1+) Dancers will learn hip-hop moves, history, vocabulary, including body isolations, old-school breaking, popping, and locking. Dancers will be encouraged to freestyle often. As with every Wyldfire Dance class, music, choreography, and costuming will remain modest and age appropriate! Dancers will learn 1 hip-hop routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase. This class is 40 minutes. MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE.

Acro I: Wednesday 5:30-6:10 p.m.  Acro II: Tuesday 5:45-6:25 p.m. Acro III: Tuesday 7:10-7:55 p.m.
Young Gymnasts

(GRADES 1+) Acrodance is tumbling as it applies to dance, which is visually more flowing and graceful than traditional gymnastics. There is a major focus on proper and smooth transitions from dance movements to acrobatic tricks and the reverse. Dancers will begin with the very basics of acrobatics, including head and handstands, cartwheels, somersaults and bridges, and progress at an individual pace toward more advanced skills, including limbers, kickovers, walkovers, headsprings, handsprings, kip-ups, aerials, etc. Dancers will learn 1 acrobatics routine that they will perform at our year-end showcase. This class is 40 minutes.

Classes are divided by age: Acro I is appropriate for grades 1-3 (REQUIRED FOR SPARX TEAM MEMBERS). Acro II is appropriate for grades 4-6 (REQUIRED FOR FLAMES TEAM MEMBERS). Acro III is appropriate for grades 7+ (REQUIRED FOR XTREME TEAM MEMBERS). Skill level may supersede age as deemed necessary for dancer safety.

SNS I: Thursday 6:15-6:40 p.m.    SNS II: Thursday 7:30-7:55 p.m.
Women Stretching

(GRADES 3 AND UP) Take this technique as an add-on in your schedule to enhance your dance education and skill level. Dancers will focus on increasing flexibility and practice center and across-the-floor movements and combinations to include pirouette turns, turns in coupe, turning en dedans and en dehors, pique turns, chaine turns, a la second and fouette turns, brush leaps, developpe leaps, leaps in second, switch leaps, calypso, firebird, axel, straddle jumps, advancing splits, tilts, heel stretches, and more. Dancers enrolling in this class must love a challenge and be willing to step up their dance game. DON'T BE LATE! This class is 25 minutes strong...get in, get moving, get it done.

Stretch N Strength DOES NOT have a costume fee and WILL NOT perform at the year-end showcase. Please visit the Dress Code tab for specific class attire requirements.

Wednesday 6:15-6:55 p.m.
Modern Dance Leap

(AGES 3RD GRADE +) Expressionz is a great companion to your Dance Dynamix class! Lyrical jazz is an emotional style that incorporates both jazz and ballet technique with choreography placing emphasis on a song's lyrics. This style is very emotionally expressive! Dancers will be given combinations that challenge them and coincide with their current skill level. Dancers will learn 1 lyrical jazz routine to be performed in our year-end showcase. This class is 40 minutes. MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE.

Monday 7:30-7:55 pm
Girl Dancing Shoes

(GRADES 3 AND UP) This class teaches the basics of tap, including rhythm, percussive sounds and steps, and terminology. This class requires willingness to accept a challenge, maximum effort, and excellent listening skills. Tap dancing is an excellent way for dancers to reinforce rhythm and musicality. We create the beats with our feet! Toe Tapperz is required for Flames and Xtreme team dancers! Toe Tapperz will learn a tap routine that they will perform at the year-end showcase. This class is 25 minutes. MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE.

Wednesday 7:45-8:25 pm
Youth Dance Group

(AGES 3RD GRADE +) Jazz Fuzion is a great companion to your Dance Dynamix class! This class combines jazz and hip-hop techniques into a style commonly referred to as jazz funk. Jazz funk is a fun, upbeat and challenging style. Dancers will learn 1 jazz funk routine to be performed in our year-end showcase. This class is 40 minutes. MONTHLY FEE INCLUDES PERFORMANCE PACKAGE.

Tuesday 5:00-5:40 p.m.
Young Dancers in Ballet Class

(GRADES 1-3) **PLACEMENT EVALUATION REQUIRED** Hot Shots Dance Company Sparx Team is the NOVICE/BEGINNER performing group of Wyldfire Dance Studio. Dancers MUST be the most dedicated and have the desire to take their dancing to the next level. Dancers should have 1 year of dance experience under their belt. Dancers must have permission to join. Sparx must participate in a week-long jazz workshop for team placement and a 2-week choreography intensive over the summer. This group will learn at least 1 jazz routine and 1 hip-hop routine that will be performed at 3-4 competitions (Dance Fierce in Burley, Canyon Rim Dance Classic in Twin Falls, and America On Stage at Lagoon). Company dancers are required to take class THREE TIMES weekly, including DANCE DYNAMIX I, SPARX, and SPARX AcroDance. Extra Saturday rehearsals and holiday break rehearsals may be scheduled as competitions get closer. Dancers on the brink of qualifying for Flames Team may be selected for one or more Flames Team routines. Company selection and placement are based on skill level, maturity, and age. Weekly commitment is 2.25 hours. TEAM MEMBERS MAY INCUR ADDITIONAL EXPENSES TOWARD DANCE DYNAMIX AND ACRODANCE COSTUMES.

Tuesday 6:30-7:10 p.m. and Thursday 6:45-7:25 p.m.
Tap Dance Class

(GRADES 4-6) **PLACEMENT EVALUATION REQUIRED** Hot Shots Dance Company Flames Team is the ADVANCED BEGINNING/INTERMEDIATE performing group of Wyldfire Dance Studio. Dancers MUST be the most dedicated and have the desire to take their dancing to the next level. Dancers should have at least 2 years of dance experience under their belt. Dancers must have permission to join. Flames must participate in a jazz workshop for team placement and a 2-week choreography intensive during the summer. This group will learn at least 1 jazz routine, 1 hip-hop routine, and 1 lyrical routine that will be performed at 3-4 competitions (Dance Fierce in Burley, Canyon Rim Dance Classic in Jerome, and America On Stage at Lagoon). Company dancers are required to take class THREE days weekly, including DANCE DYNAMIX II OR III, FLAMES A, STRETCH N STRENGTH I, ACRODANCE II and FLAMES B. Extra Saturday rehearsals and holiday break rehearsals may be scheduled as competitions get closer. Dancers on the brink of qualifying for Xtreme Team may be selected for one or more Xtreme Team routines. Company selection and placement are based on skill level, maturity, and age. Weekly commitment is 3.75 hours. TEAM MEMBERS MAY INCUR ADDITIONAL EXPENSES TOWARD DANCE DYNAMIX AND ACRODANCE COSTUMES.

Tuesday and Thursday 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Break Dance Crew

(GRADES 7 AND UP) **TEAM PLACEMENT EVALUATION REQUIRED** Hot Shots Dance Company Xtreme Team is the INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED performing group of Wyldfire Dance Studio. Dancers MUST be the most dedicated and have the desire to take their dancing to the next level. Dancers should have at least 3 years of dance experience under their belt AND the permission of the director to join. Required skills include splits, double pirouettes, cartwheels, backbends, excellent rhythm and musicality, and a great attitude. At this level, dancers must attend a jazz workshop for team placement and a 2-week choreography intensive over the summer. This group will learn at least 1 jazz routine, 1 hip hop routine, 1 lyrical routine, and 1 routine in a 4th style that will be performed at 3-4 competitions (Dance Fierce in Burley, Canyon Rim Dance Classic in Twin Falls, America On Stage at Lagoon). Company dancers are required to take class THREE days weekly, including DANCE DYNAMIX II OR III, TOE TAPPERZ, STRETCH N STRENGTH II, XTREME A, ACRODANCE III, XTREME B. Extra Saturday rehearsals and holiday break rehearsals may be scheduled as competitions get closer. Company selection and placement are based on skill level, maturity, and age. Weekly commitment is 4.75 hours. TEAM MEMBERS MAY INCUR ADDITIONAL EXPENSES TOWARD DANCE DYNAMIX AND ACRODANCE COSTUMES.


Who doesn't love some one-on-one time?! Focus on the technique and steps you'd like to learn/improve. Soloists will learn 1 routine in the style of their choice to be performed at all of our competition venus plus our year-end showcase. Solo sessions are 25 minutes. Soloists MUST be a member of the Hot Shots Dance Company. SPECIALTY ROUTINES INCUR ADDITIONAL COSTUME AND COMPETITION ENTRY FEES.


Dance with a friend! Focus on the technique and steps you'd both like to learn/improve. Duo dancers will learn 1 routine in the style of their choice to be performed at all of our competition venus plus our year-end showcase. Duo sessions are 25 minutes. Duo dancers MUST be members of the Hot Shots Dance Company. SPECIALTY ROUTINES INCUR ADDITIONAL COSTUME AND COMPETITION ENTRY FEES.


Bring 2 of your friends! Focus on the technique and steps you'd like to learn/improve. Trio dancers will learn 1 routine in the style of their choice to be performed at all of our competition venus plus our year-end showcase. Trio sessions are 25 minutes. Trio dancers MUST be members of the Hot Shots Dance Company. SPECIALTY ROUTINES INCUR ADDITIONAL COSTUME AND COMPETITION ENTRY FEES.

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